Itel it5081 SPD 6531E Flash File
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File Info
Mobile Name : Itel it5081
Type CPU : SPD 6531E
File Format : BIN
File Size : 14.2 MB
1. Power off device
2. Press and hold BootKey or use BootCable
3. Insert cable and battery in device!
Wait for device ...
Device Connected!
BootVersion : SPRD3
BootSource : InternalLibrary
BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.2
Port speed : 921600
FDL Flash : Control transfered!
Boot Done!
CS0_MEM : SPI : [FIDELIX] : FM25Q64 : 0x00800000 [ 8MiB ]
Read Flash Ok, Size : 8.00 MiB
Platform Version: MOCOR_12C.W13.04.14_Debug
Project Version: it5081-G2425-EnBn-BD-20190712
MMI Version: it5081-G2425-EnBn-BD-20190712
HW Version: fp6531_bar
07-12-2019 16:36:57
LOG Version: V1.0.1
Saved to : C:\Users\GSM-RIPON\Desktop\ITEL IT5081 SPD 6531E FLASH FILE \MOCOR_12C.W13.04.14_Debug
Elapsed: 00:01:45
Reconnect Power/Cable!